Buddy Hyphen Baker Staff

The people listed below have been with me for a while now, so it is only fitting that they are added to my Staff Page.  BB DOT Com and BB DOT US staff can be broken down into 3 groups:  Site Staff, Store Staff and Store Volunteers.  BBDC Staff (Thrift Store) staff are those people who started out as store volunteers, and served us for some time before being "promoted" to the Staff Level.   Below, I will explain the way it works.


 On BBDC, we have several rankings:  In order to differentiate between them, I have broken them down as follows

ROOT Sites/Services Admin:  This is an Admin that is assigned the tasks of maintaining the Domain Buddy Hyphen Baker. (all domains)  He has the ability to edit any site he wishes, and can make changes to any of the sites that are under the control of the System Administrator.  At this time, Root Site Admin responsibilities are managed by Brian Baker.

Site Admin:  This is an Admin that is assigned the task of Managing a particular site within our network.  The Admin in this position would have primary responsibility to edit or make changes to one assigned website.  Since our network currently has 2 websites, primary responsibility in this role is given to Brian, since he also edits the sites and makes the decision as to how to layout the site.  If the need arises, Brian can and will assign someone to maintain a particular website, such as DOT Gateway, DOT US. or DOT COM.

System Admin: This is the person responsible for the overall operation, configuration and maintenance of the server that houses Buddy Hyphen Baker DOT Us and Buddy Hyphen Baker DOT Com.  The Network has 3 System Admins, and each can be called on from time to time to help solve problems. 

Store Staff:  Store Staff primarily have responsibility to assist the Director and Store Manager with operational tasks.  The Donations Manager, Corral Manager, Assistant Corral Managers, and Ida's Closet Manager keep the Director and Store Manager informed as to how things are going in their areas of responsibility.  Brian and Bill will then make decisions based on what information that they are given.  Brian and Bill communicate frequently with their Staff and Volunteers, so that everyone is operating on the same page. 

Site Admin Team

BB Dot Services Admins