Located in the basement of Trinity Church
137 Main Street, Montpelier
Tuesday. Thursday. Saturday. 10am-4pm
Over the past few years, the church’s thrift sales have drawn huge numbers of donations and sales, reflecting a need in the community to find inexpensive sources for clothing and other items, and a desire to give gently-used goods new life.
Rev. Rebecca Girrell, calls the project a win-win. “It gives Paul and others from the church an immediate and meaningful way of living out their passion and calling, and it meets a very real need in the Montpelier area,” Girrell says. Beyond the free resources the church gives out, Girrell believes that the having the option of a thrift store will be helpful for the community. “It’s very affirming for folks to be able to buy quality items at a price they can afford,” she says. “The store will be a tremendous way to help and empower others, and that’s really what loving God and our neighbors is all about.”
Audy agrees with that assessment. “Having a disability, I’ve benefited all my life from the many people who have helped me,” he says. “This is my opportunity to say thank you to them, my chance to give back to the community I love. That’s God’s love in a nutshell.”
The Trinity Community Thrift Store is open Tuesdays, Thursdays, & Saturdays from 10-4. For more information, please contact Brian Baker at (802) 279-0412.